Drop off locations for small donations. Larger donations need to be scheduled with the Food Bank.
- St John Neumann
- St Joseph
- United Methodist
- United Church of Christ
- First Lutheran
- Strongsville VFW
- Strongsville Senior Center
Items Most Needed
- peanut butter or jelly
- cereal or oatmeal
- spaghetti sauce
- pasta noodles
- canned vegetables
- canned fruit
- pork and beans
- boxed family meals
- large cans of beef stew etc.
- canned tuna or chicken
- canned soup
- macaroni and cheese
- rice
Also Appreciated
- boxed side dishes
- Raviolis or Spaghetti Os
- baking goods
- beverages
- snack items
- ramen noodles
- canned tomatoes
- detergent
- shampoo & conditioner
- toothpaste & toothbrushes
- paper towels
- toilet paper
- kleenex
- dish soap or hand soap
- baby food
- formula
- diapers
Monetary Donations
Checks can be mailed to:
Strongsville Emergency Food Bank13259 Pearl Rd
Strongsville, OH 44136